Friday 22nd October 2010
Today was the first day of filming, we went into town to film vox pops. We found 3 16-18 year olds to be filmed talking about free running and their opinions on the sport. After this we went to get footage of the free runners however the wether conditions made it hard to film so we decided to rechedual.
Saturday 23rd October 2010
Today i organised a group free running jam in Warrington town. i met up with the founders of the free running team PKI and filmed a series of wall scales, and tumbles. Due to the weather once again being not a good condition to film in we had to end the filming early.
Monday 25th October 2010
We met in town so that we could film some more vox pops, however unfortunatly we were unable to get a permit to film in Golden Square as there was an event taking place here all week therefore we decieded to go and film in Stockton Heath. In stockton heath we found a police station that handles the issues in just the stockton heath area and managed to speak with a free PCSO about Free Running and the problems it raises in the community. However unfortunately he had never dealt with any problems involving Free Running as most of the free runners stay within the local town and dont normally go to this village therefore he hadnt encountered them. Instead i gave him my details and he said that he would get in touch with the PCSO's in the town centre and get back to us.
Thursday 28th October 2010
Today i organised a group PKI jam (the group of Free runners that our documentary is following). I filmed them training and learning new flips over Warrington, i decided to shadow them and followed them around for the day. I filmed every trick and scale they did as there would be alot of footage to choose from when it came to composing the documentary. I also filmed a series of interviews in different places which included the free runners of different ages/teams; two with PKTwist (the younger Free Runners), one with Chris and one with Rupert (Two of the older Free Runners and founding members of PKI).
Friday 29th October 2010
We both went to one of their outdoor group jam's in Warrington. We staged some flips and other tricks for them to perform and we also filmed them messing around, having fun and doing some tricks that they wanted to do. We followed them again to their favourite places to train starting by Warrington Town Hall and then moving to where MFI used to be. It then started to get dark and was trying to rain so we stopped filming.
Wednesday 3rd November 2010
Tonight we went to Liverpool so that we could get some footage of the Free Runners indoor training at the gym where they train alongside professionals. The session is a gymnastic session where they practice flips on trampolines and into foam pits before attempting to do the tricks outside. They also practice their tumbling moves on the special floor mats that are in the gym. We filmed one of the girls, Zee, practice her tricks as well as getting general footage from the gym with full shots of the whole room with all of the different stunts in the different areas of thegym being shown.
Sunday 21st november
Today emily filmed some more vox pops. she filmed people of different age groups, both male and females to get an opinion which could be generalised for the public. She asked whether they knew about the sport and then what their opinion is of it.
Monday 13th december
Today we filmed some more vox pops to replace most of them which had been filmed earlier. These were for a mixture of reasons; the framing was off on a couple aswell as the answers not being detailed enough or lacking the exiting feel we were trying to aim for. We filmed it against a metal container to get the urban feel which the sport is associated with.
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