1. Male ___ Female ___
2. Under 16 ___ 16 – 20 ___ 21 + ___
3. What is your favourite television channel?
BBC1 ___ BBC2 ___ ITV1 ___ Channel 4 ___ Five
Other …………………………..
4. What time do you normally watch television?
Before 4pm ___ 4 – 6pm ___ 6 – 8pm ___ 8 – 10pm ___ After 10pm ___
5. How often do you watch documentaries?
Regularly ___ Weekly ___ Every few weeks ___ Once a month ___ Yearly ___ Never ___
Other …………………………..
6. Do you exercise?
Yes ___ No
7. How often do you exercise?
Daily ___ Once a week ___ Less than once a week ___ Never ___ Other …………………………..
8. What do you do to exercise?
9. Would you be interested in alternative sports?
Yes ___ No ___ Maybe ___
10. Are you aware of the concept of Free Running/Parkour?
Very well ___ Well ___ Slightly ___ Not sure ___ Not at all ___
11. Would you be interested to learn about it?
Yes ___ No ___ Maybe ___
12. Do you or anyone you know participate in this?
Yourself ___ Family ___ Friend ___ None ___
This pie chart shows the gender of the people we asked for the questionnaire. it is important to ask both genders to get reliable feedback from them so that isn't biased towards one gender. the pie chart shows that 17 males participated and 13 females.
This pie chart shows us the different ages which were chosen to be asked in the questionnaires, it is important to know the age of the person as it allows us to pick our target audience. 21 out of 30 were filled in by 16-20 year old's, this therefore is the target audience we have chosen to pick. To generalise our research 2 under 16's have answered our questionnaire and 7 people who are over 21. This therefore allows us to also see what the older population thinks of our documentary subject.
This question is important to know exactly which channel to schedule our documentary on. from the pie chart you can see that 4 people preferred BBC1, 3 people chose BBC2, 6 people chose ITV1, 9 people chose Channel 4, 1 person chose Channel 5 and 7 people chose others such as Dave or E4. These results also linked into the results of the next question as we found that the majority of people watching channel 4 (the highest chosen channel) and E4 another popular channel was during the time when the majority of people watched TV (8-10pm) this helped us decide when we would schedule the programme as well as what channel.
This was important to find out how many times each age range watched documentaries, we found the results were - 7 people watched them regularly, 10 people watched them weekly, 5 people watched them every few weeks, 4 people said they normally watch them once a month and 5 people said they watch them yearly. The majority of people who said they watch them regularly/weekly were between 16-21 therefore this is our target audience.
This was an important question as it told us if doing a documentary about exercise/sport was a good idea. the results showed that 22 people exercised compared to 8 that didn't. this showed that the majority of people who did exercise may be interested in this topic of documentary.
This question showed us how active the people who exercised were. the results were- 10 people exercised daily, 5 exercised once a week, 3 people exercised once a week, 8 people never exercised and 4 people said they didn't have a specific amount of times they exercised in a week.
This pie chart showed us how the people who exercise do this. it was important to ask this question as it gives us an idea of the types of people that would be interested in this documentary for example it uses a lot of gymnastics and running therefore people who do gymnastics as well as running/jogging may find this documentary interesting. the results were- 5 people run, 2 people jog, 3 people swim 8 people walk, 1 person does gymnastics, 3 people use the treadmill as well as the 8 in the questionnaires that don't do exercise.
This question was vital to see if the chosen topic for the documentary was a good choice. Free running is seen as an alternative sport or way to exercise this meant that if a lot of people were keen on the idea of alternative sports then we could appeal the documentary to them. the pie chart shows that 14 people said they would be interested (the highest number), 6 people said they wouldn't be (all of these were the people that said they didn't exercise) and 10 people said they would maybe consider it (including the other 2 people who said they didn't exercise).
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